Hi. Baby. "Life of Pi" says: "I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye."

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Tom Cruise's "Oblivion" reminds me of us. I've returned ur necklace. Now u can give the same necklace & the same words to ur new g.f....

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3/30, 11:59 am, while cataloging "Seediq Bale" @ work, I saw a line in Chinese: "My life is so tough, yet I still love u forever." Then I started to cry secretly... How to make u reply to my mail...?
3/30, 快放飯時 , 我編目編到 "賽德克.巴萊" 的書, 偶然翻到一句話: "我的一生是多麼地苦, 我還是永遠地愛著你". 然後我就偷偷地哭了... 到底要怎麼做才能讓你回我的信?

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My 1st time to Singapore. But it's also gonna be the last time. I don't have time & money. I ate some Singaporean specialties there. But they serve rare eggs... That's disgusting. I visited 2 frenz: 1 old & 1 new. I had an OK time there. That's all. But on my way home, on a JetStar airplane, I cried a lot... Today, I still don't know if it's right to go to Singapore or not... However, I do know: "Regret" is really the biggest punishment for human beings...

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Yesterday noon, the weather was ok. So I took a vid, which used background music: "Everything you want" by "Vertical Horizon". Casually I found: "Vertical Horizon" has another song: "Best I ever had". Sleepless night, so I started to cry...

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I do know that this luv isn't going anywhere, but I gotta act like I don't care......

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On so-called Chinese Valentine, lunar July 7, I was all alone. & Home alone.
As time goes by, I start to doubt: maybe it's better not to meet u in the 1st place.
ur words spin in my head. I just can't get u out of my head.
Babe, although u like music, u don't sing well -- when u sang Kelly Minogue's "I just can't get u out of my head"...
u said that 1 Aussie can lose everything to pay 1 alimony, so u are scared. Well, isn't the wife scared, too?

Whom can she marry after middle-age??
I really really wanna be with u. But maybe u want nothing...
All those 180 days, 80% is all loneliness... Babie...

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今天是「端午節」. 我永遠不會忘記 : 6 年前的夏天 , 在外婆家 , 我如何淚流滿面看著卡通「哈姆太郎」... 那時 , 漂亮的小表妹建議我把頭髮夾起來, 比較神清氣爽 . 如今 , 漂亮的小表妹已單身一年 . 或許她現在能體會 : 我當時為何淚流滿面... 昨天下午 , 澳客男友說: 無法忍受遠距戀愛. 所以我又淚流滿面了... 不知他說真的還是假的, 反正我就是淚流滿面... 別人的喜酒,對我來說,都是苦酒。
In the beginning, he wanted me to trust him. I didn't. I said: "I just wanna protect myself." He replied: "We all do."
Yeah. We All Do... It's too late now...
Hope, dangles on a string.
Like slow spinning redemption,
Winding in and winding out,
The shine of which has caught my eye...
From "Vindicated" (蜘蛛人2電影原聲帶) by "Dashboard Confessional"

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聽力 : 96. 閱讀 : 93. 滿分 : 100. 怪不得我姊說「中高級」很簡單... 唉本來不想提的 , 但剛剛無意中看到 http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/GEPT1/apr16hhi/0416hisr.htm, 「100年第一次中高級初試成績揭曉,聽力平均 78.55,閱讀平均 79.9,通過率 47%」「本次初試於 4 月 16 日舉行,共 9,652 人報考,到考率約 95%」... 我覺得我應該去 Eat Sh*t.

其實去年有次不小心身份證遺失在台大校園 , 所以缺考 (汗...) F*ck! 說來真丟人啊 ... TOEIC 也是快憋爆了 , 不然一定破我個人紀錄 . 聽力一考完、馬上舉手尿尿 . 回老家補辦身份證 , 被媽媽罵翻... 母親節快到了 , 要聽媽媽的話哦 ~

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My Aussie babe's not coming to see me this month. There's a movie "Hellboy" in 2004 & 2008. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0411477/
To me, he's a "What the Hell" Boy...
2004 & 2008 年 , 有一部片叫作「地獄怪客」Hellboy. 而他則是「地獄客」... 恐怖呦 ~ 恐怖到了極點 ...

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