I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
& our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

By "Papa Roach" - "Scars"

今晚看了 "舞孃俱樂部" (Burlesque) & "新少林寺" (Shaolin Temple)... 范冰冰哭的時候 , 我也哭了 ...

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這週二研討會,看到前刑事局偵九隊隊長 李相臣。我覺得他好帥喔 ... 雖然他現非任此職、也沒穿西裝打領帶,但還是好帥 ......

但也有不愉快的事 :

9:30 am, 在台大醫院國際會議中心聽演講時 , 我坐在 2 位外賓及貴賓後一排 ( 就是第 2 排啦 ... ). 我濕咳有痰還一直忍 , 真的難過到掉眼淚 ( 頻頻拭淚啊 )...

背景介紹如下 :

      1. 與會者皆有時程表 , 故可預期 : 講者 10 分鐘內就會下台 .
      2. 我包包上掛有 2 個小鈴鐺 . 隔壁臭女人應該也有聽到 .
      3. 基於「尊重」, 我聽講時都不敢亂動 .
      4. 座位 1 排連著 10 張椅子 , 而不幸我坐在正中間 ... 前 1 排坐著交通部長 + 2 位外賓 ...
      5. 早上 8:30 am 出門時 OK, 沒怎麼咳嗽 ... 無法預知 : 咳嗽就突然發作起來 !?
      6. 咳嗽忍過頭的下場 , 就是喉嚨的痰讓人咳越嚴重 . 我猜 : 被痰噎著了 ...

坐在我隔壁的女士約 40 多歲 , 是主講貴賓 (台灣人) 的朋友或有關係的人 . 打從我微咳就用眼光餘角瞪我 .
我用力以圍巾和衛生紙摀住口鼻 , 就只為了降低咳嗽音量和頻率 . 偏偏主講者沒有停頓 , 我找不到時機可以咳 ... 隔壁的女士用 "普通" 音量叫我把沾有鼻涕和痰的衛生紙塞進包包、不要放我座位椅腳下 . 她的理由是「會害她感染細菌 .」第 1 次 , 我用紙條寫了英文「我感冒了 . 演講者在演講 . 等他講完我會收拾 .」結果不到 4 分鐘 , 她又用 "普通" 音量要求我 ... 這次我只好打開我那掛鈴鐺的包包 , 把地下衛生紙撿進包包裡 .
台上主講者在講 , 我卻在台下「被迫」製造噪音 . 我覺得很丟臉 ! 況且我一直忍咳、忍到最後就反作用力越大 ... 恨不得挖洞鑽下去耶 !
臭女人她非得在演講時間叫我這樣做嗎 ? 我不同意 ...不能等到演講告一段落嗎 ? 一中場休息 , 我就很用力把包包甩到後排空位 , 馬上換到後排去 . 火大得要命 .

PS. 嗯 ... 我不懂耶 ! 她是來湊熱鬧、捧場、露臉、請公假領白薪 , 不是來聽演講的吧 ? 第 1 位講者講完 , 她就閃人了 . 搞什麼啊 ?? 公務人員很屌嗎 ?

      我想過解法如下 :
      1. 再回一次紙條「請等演講暫止 , 我不想製造噪音」給那個臭女人 ;
      2. 從座位起身、一一借過 , 去講堂外面咳 .
      3. ..... ( 想不出了 ...)

這一晚 , 我把鈴鐺取下了 ... 免得下次聽演講還有一樣的情形 . 就是不想翻 "響噹噹" 包包 , 臭女人還一直叫我放進包包 !


Subject: 提醒您出席 TWNIC「跨越 2011 關鍵年 挑戰 IPv6 新紀元」網際網路趨勢研討會

感謝您報名「 2011 網際網路趨勢研討會」,提醒您本次研討會將於 2011 年 3 月 28 日 - 30 日於台大醫院國際會議中心 4 樓 ( 30 日議程於 3 樓) 會議室 (台北市中正區徐州路 2 號) 舉行。
您報名參加的場次為 :
3/28 日議程 -「資安防護面面觀」、「資訊分享?個資外洩?談個人資料保護」(場地 : 401)
3/29 日議程 -「跨越 2011 關鍵年 挑戰 IPv6 新紀元」開幕暨專講 (場地 : 401)
3/30 日議程 -「從國際化域名發展探討網路應用服務之創新」、「雲端服務及未來網路發展趨勢」(場地 : 301)
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最新的議程可隨時參閱本次活動網頁 http://www.seminar 2011 .twnic.tw

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March 5, my Aussie friend invited me to Kao-hsiung City, for a band "65daysofstatic" in a musical concert "Mega Port 2011" http://megaport2011.blogspot.com/. It's my 1st time being Kao-hsiung. To tell the truth, I don't really like southern Taiwan... 本來想去看 "伍佰 & China Blue" 的 , 但我的腿快斷了......

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You're waiting for a train...
A train that will take you far away...
You know where you hope this train will take you.
But you can't know for sure.
And it doesn't matter,
Because we'll be together.
From movie "Inception", 2010.
u said that we could see it together. But u didn't invite me......
It's quite alright. I'm always alone anyway...

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Come back to me...
It's my only request.

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It's Christmas Eve. I got a missed call. But it's not from you. Giving up is always the fastest way, isn't it?
Last night, I cried in MRT, coz I've predicted that tomorrow night I'm gonna cry @ home. Now here I'm...
Tears I can't fight on my own...

我願化身石橋 , 受五百年風吹、五百年日曬、五百年雨打 , 但求你從橋上走過 ........

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今晚看了 Reign Of Assassins「劍雨」. 雖然「石橋」故事 , 以前就聽過了 . 但我還真的快哭了 ... 11/26, Thanksgiving Day 隔天 , 我見了一個男生 . 從週二到今天 , 我不能再哭了 ...
懷疑我淚腺有問題 , 我連看卡通都會哭 . 如 : 打從最早的 Millennium Actress 「千年女優」(2001), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time「跳躍吧!時空少女」(2006), Wall-E「瓦力」(2008), Up「天外奇蹟」(2009), How to Train Your Dragon「馴龍高手」(2010)... 等等 . 有人看卡通會哭的嗎 ? 自己也覺得很誇張 ...
可以不要再哭了嗎 ?
男生說的話不能信啊 ...

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Yesterday evening, I went to work near "Far Eastern Hospital". So I went to measure my weight in the hospital.
Still it seems that it's really impossible to lose 1 kg. Just 1 kg. All I want is just 1 kg. Why is it so hard??

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Everytime when I looked my old pix taken on 2006's Mid-Autumn Festival, I missed the old days.
Me, my mama, & my younger sister.
This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I didn't eat any moon cake.
My younger sister came to visit & gave me a pomelo. lol
I spent the night with 2 Mormon missionaries in church... lol
I can't help at all...... At least, Elder Roper is a handsome guy.

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This weekend, I saw "The A-Team", "Knight & Day", "Splice", & "Predators". I think that I'm gonna see "Shrek Forever After" & "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec" tomorrow.
I dunno......
Wish it could help me forget u. lol
I just figured out that ur weight has become a burden to me...
u are so skinny.
I know that I'll never be as thin as u.
And if u do not want to see me again,
I would understand.
I would understand...

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