今天是民國 99 年 9 月 9 日 重陽節 , 錯過再等一百年 ~
我今晚 9:10 pm 在中和 Costco 遇到曹教授... 快笑死我了 lol
他主動跟我打招呼 , 不然我沒看見他 .
曹教授還帶他的小孩 ...
雖然我在 Costco 有想到他 --- 真的作夢都沒想到會遇到他 !

他穿白色襯衫、白色七分褲、白色運動鞋 (鞋子沒看清楚) ,
跟上課時完全不一樣 ...
啊 ~ 他真是我的偶像 !

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You said that your ___ was dripping.
& u wanted me to wait a second...

Now I know what's really dripping.

My tears are dripping......

Sorry for keeping you waiting. But you could just have waited inside lobby.
You thought I have a lot of time? I delayed a lot of things for you...
Right from the beginning, I didn't wanna meet u.
I went, just becoz that I promised you.
Unlike you who didn't inform me in time...
Defense is just paper thin...

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Dunno it's due to the "physical" influences "mental" or the "mental" influences "physical", I can't put up with the heat.
This April, I had an overall health check with my sisters. To my surprise, the doctor diagnosed that I've got a Stomach Ulcer. Really a shock!
If I don't wear revealingly, I'll get impatient. If I get impatient, I'll feel pain from my stomach. Yet conservative old ladies blame my dress. What do they know? They know a sh*t.
Under a long time's diet, I've been trying hard to stay thin. Do you really know the pain? How could you blame me? You're not my mama.

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Can it be that it was all so simple that time when you were still in USA?
I'm sorry. I apologize. I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone to visit you the day you landed. I shouldn't have met you in real. Deep in my heart, I knew it's impossible to get along with you. When you said that we could hang out & eat together, I was speechless --- coz usually I don't eat. When u smsed me to get online, I tried my best to find Internet, just to hear from you online --- even though I wasn't home.
All the time I spent with you, I just wanna say "Thank You."
Nobody said it was easy.
No one ever said it would be this hard.
Oh, Take me back to the start...

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為了給老朋友一個「驚喜」, 決定不請她帶我入場 .
6/4 (Friday) 在上班 & 6/5 (Saturday) 早上下午在補習 , 其實真正有空檔的時間只有 12:10 pm ~ 1:40 pm .
這次為了弄票 , 6/4 晚上打了 Skype 電話給好多好多可歸類在「資訊界」的朋友 .
但僅僅一人知道此事 , 其他的 99% 第一反應都問我 :「什麼 ?」
害我以為我發音不標準 ... 好歹我今年初取得熱騰騰的全民英檢中高級證書 , 不至於這麼慘吧 ?
我覺得 ... 這在資訊界不應該發生 . 看來大家都過得太爽了 ; 爽到連 Computex 都沒聽過 .
這樣不能「自稱」在資訊界吧 ? (當然我也不知他們有沒如此自詡 ...)
唉 ~ Computex 是全世界第二大的耶 ! 唉 ~
就算你沒聽過 Computex, 但若你朋友參展、你總要去看一下吧 ? 沒人邀你嗎 ?
本來一直以為我人緣很差 , 現在不以為了 .
有時是真的想關心朋友 , 但又擔心被誤認為「太閒」、「吃飽撐著」... 我忙得要命啊 .
最後沒辦法 , 6/5 一大早打給 Yahoo! 拍賣賣家買票 $80. 結果 ... 見面時他竟然大發慈悲地送我了 ! 感動的淚水快掉下來了 !

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我找這首歌找太久了 ...... 打從有 Google 開始 , 就不時地找 .
原來是我記錯歌詞了... 沒辦法、當時太小了 ...

You're My World

You're my world, You're every breath I take
You're my world, You're every move I make
Other eyes see the stars up in the sky
But for me they shine within You're eyes

As the trees reach for the sun above
So my arms reach out to you for love
With your hand resting in mine
I feel a power so divine

You're my world, You are my night and day
You're my world, You're every prayer I pray
If our love ceases to be
Then it's the end of my world
End of my world
End of my world
End of my world for me

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This afternoon, I went to a speech by Betsy Myers, President Obama's Campaign CEO.
She's a tall, charming, & successful lady. Her speech is pretty good.
It's Fun to stand near ex. vice-president Annette Lu!
But she's some kinda too talkative... Is it a nature of an old lady??

站在呂秀蓮旁邊真好玩 XD
周錫瑋 & 雷倩英文真是太讚了 ! 和龍應台一樣 ! 真是沒話說 . 但呂秀蓮話好多 ... 年紀大的女人就會這樣 ???
其實我滿喜歡周錫瑋的 ~~ 即使郭品超和黑人和他同台 , 也蓋不住他的文質彬彬 .
只因打老虎和抓泥鰍事件被網友嘲弄、被媒體刻意放大報導 . 從此民眾對他就不好印象 , 真是很不公平 ...
新勢力領袖國際論壇 - 從領袖高度談幸福城市到國家競爭力

臺北縣政府特別於母親節前夕,邀請美國總統歐巴馬競選執行長蓓西.邁爾絲來台舉行 "新勢力領袖國際論壇"

與縣長周錫瑋及前副總統呂秀蓮從國際領袖的高度來看, 以全方位提供健康環境, 經濟發展及社會福利目標下

成為一個幸福城市所需的要素及條件, 進而發展國家競爭力的優勢.

時間: 2010 年 5 月 7 日 (五) 14:00 - 16:00

地點: 臺北縣政府 3 樓多功能集會堂

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There was an Irishman, Mexican, and a blonde guy, who were construction workers and they were working on top of a building.
It was lunch time and the Irish man opens his lunch pail and he gets cabbage and beef and he says, "If I get one more beef and cabbage for lunch I'm gonna jump off of this building."
Then the Mexican opens his lunch pail and he gets a burrito. He says, "If I get one more burrito for lunch I'm gonna jump off this building."
The blonde man opens his lunch pale and gets a chicken sandwhich. He siad, "If I get one more chicken sandwhich I'm gonna jump off of this building."
The next day the Irish man opens his lunch pail and finds cabage and beef so he jumps off the building to his death.
Then the Mexican opens hid lunch pail and finds a burrito so he jumps off the building to his death.
Then the blonde guy opens his lunch pale and finds a chicken sandwhich, so he jumps off to his death as well.
The next day at their funeral the Irish man's wife said, "Only if I would have known that he didn't like cabage and beef I would have packed him something else."
Then the Mexican's wife then said, "If I only knew he didn't like burritos, I would have packed something else."
Finally, the blonde man's wife siad "I don't know what his problem was; he packed his own lunch."

Three men stood on top of a magical slide which gives you objects of your desire when you slide down it and yell out what you want.
The first man went down the slide and called out "DIAMONDS!" and he landed in a pile of diamonds.
The second man went down the slide and yelled "MONEY" and landed in a mountain of notes and coins.
The third man went down the slide and yelled "Wheeeee~!!"

A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender "Do you have any bread?"
The bartender replies "No, we sell alcohol."
The next day the duck comes back and asks "Do you have any bread?"
The bartender replies "No, we don't."
The third day the duck comes back to ask for bread again and the bartender again replied "No".
On the fourth day, when the duck walked in, the frustrated bartender said first "Look, if you are going to ask me for bread again, I'm going to nail your beak to the table."
The duck asked "Do you have any nails?" The bartender said "No."
"Good" said the duck. "Do you have any bread?"

A French guy, an American guy and a Cuban guy are standing on a cliff. The French guy throws a case of fine wine off the cliff. "Why did you do that?"asked the other men.
"We have plenty of fine wine in France," said the man.
Next, the Cuban guy throws a box of fine cigars off the cliff. "Why did you do that?" asked the other men.
"We have plenty of cigars in Cuba," said the Cuban man.
Finally, the American man pickes up the Cuban man and throws him off the cliff. "What did you do that for?" asked the French man.
"We have plenty of Cubans in America."

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Last days of January, I heard a man calling my English name when I was in a rush in Liu-chang-lee MRT station at 2:00 pm.
But I didn't wear glasses, so I couldn't search around. He sounded like Taiwanese.
Well, Who was it indeed?
Is that you?
If that's you, please give me a sign.

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Heart wants what heart wants? Even tho... even tho it's bad for it?

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