今天是「端午節」. 我永遠不會忘記 : 6 年前的夏天 , 在外婆家 , 我如何淚流滿面看著卡通「哈姆太郎」... 那時 , 漂亮的小表妹建議我把頭髮夾起來, 比較神清氣爽 . 如今 , 漂亮的小表妹已單身一年 . 或許她現在能體會 : 我當時為何淚流滿面... 昨天下午 , 澳客男友說: 無法忍受遠距戀愛. 所以我又淚流滿面了... 不知他說真的還是假的, 反正我就是淚流滿面... 別人的喜酒,對我來說,都是苦酒。
In the beginning, he wanted me to trust him. I didn't. I said: "I just wanna protect myself." He replied: "We all do."
Yeah. We All Do... It's too late now...
Hope, dangles on a string.
Like slow spinning redemption,
Winding in and winding out,
The shine of which has caught my eye...
From "Vindicated" (蜘蛛人2電影原聲帶) by "Dashboard Confessional"

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