World War II, a Jew family was in danger. The 1st son & 2nd son sought help separately. 
The 1st son went to the one who ever helped himself. 
The 2nd son went to the one who he ever helped. 
In the end, the 1st son was rescued. The 2nd was sold out. 
Coz the one who loves u is willing to do things for u. 
The one u love may not be willing to do things for u

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In an English class, a Christian teacher asked everybody: "What did u do which u think it's 'Bravery'?"

A gal spoke out: "When I was transferring @ Malaysia Airport, I felt lost & scared. But still I stayed brave & asked people for direction."

I was thinking: "With ur bad English command, yes, u should be worried."

My Secret Harbor friend who ever studied in an army defined "Bravery": "Doing something for someone else, which is selfless."

My answer is: "Know ur limit. Admit that u r wrong. Willing to repent. Dare to change."

What's urs?

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I went to an English class & had a talk with a male friend who's younger than me by 2 years.
He went to working holiday in New Zealand & Canada. Totally 1 year & 8 months . 
I feel a little bit disappointed that I overestimated him
He works as an animal rescuer before he went to Canada. After he came back, he contacted old colleagues. So he learnt that there's still a vacancy of same job, same workplace, same duty, same people. So he is lucky. As a government contractor, he can still lives in his " comfort zone."
Friday night, I asked him many questions. 
His TOEIC score is 720. Mine is 855.
Full score is 990. 
I have a lot of pressure getting a higher score. I thought that he would have a totally different view on Taiwan. 
But No.
No. I'm wrong

Me: "Why did u go working holiday?"
He: "To experience."

Me: "What did u learned which is very very important 1 year & 8 months there?"
He: "I feel more bold, daring, & confident. Too much to say."

Me: "Why did u come back? Didn't u wanna find out a way to immigrate?"
He: "Coz I've experienced it enough. Taiwan still has its own advantages. So I came back. Not everyone wanna immigrate."

Of course, he is lucky that there's haply a vacancy when he came back

Me: "What about a shortage of resources of Taiwan?"
He: "Personally u can still do something . U can collect rain, to recycle water, to utilize it well."

I REALLY wanna ask: "It's not about u, or me, or he, or a person. It's about the government. When Taiwan doesn't have rain for 2 months - 3 months, where or how r u gonna collect rain?"
It's good that I started to know... I talked to a wrong person. I've known him for 4 years.

Taiwan Government has been importing many foreign labors from Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippine, Thailand, & China. 
In order to stay away from police, usually they live in countryside.
They dump trash into rivers & ocean.
I'm NOT gonna share water with them!!
I'm NOT gonna be stuck in Taiwan with barbarians!!

PS. In Taipei, we gotta pay for dumping trash


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While I broke up with Chris (UK ex), haply my company was struggling.

I lent my ladyboss AUD$3,810 as a guarantee for a Taiwan Government's procurement. My company didn't make it.
I lost my bf & job.

THIS SCAMMER spent 3 months talking to me on, Skype, & HangOuts before scamming me.
Meanwhile, John (American) wanted to meet me -- for times.
John said that he's a Policeman in USA. 12 years older than me.

He lives a little bit far.

He told me to go to his place by cab.
I didn't want him to take me for granted.
I'm not a whore.
I asked him to share my transportation fee.

John: “I'll pay ur cab.”
Me: “How would I know?”
John: “Don't u wanna marry an American??”
Me: “I don't need u to marry an American.”

After John left Taiwan, I just found out that John didn't tell me the truth...

John is NOT a policeman.

John is a Prosecutor in Phoenix, & graduated from Columbia Law School.
His book ISBN: 9780415365895

John @ Taipei. 2011, 01, 20  

Just like in Mildura, a pea farmer, Ross, kicked me out within 1 day simply becoz a scammer “promised” to arrive the next day.
Ross promised me that I could wait for my...
1. “Amaysim” SIM card.
2. A 2nd-handed HTC smart fone.
3. My Mom's parcel. Postage: AUD$73.75.
4. USB stick (For GHOST)

Did I get any of them?? NO.

My trip in Perth was God damn INCONVENIENT without my SIM & fone!!!

Reasons why I got scammed:

1. Chris' been keeping my stuff & blowing me off -- It only takes 5 mins' walk from his place to mine. This Scammer said that he'd help retrieve it back. Now, are u gonna suggest me to buy same new stuff as replacements? SORRY. I do NOT like buying things. (Believe me. u don't know what Chris did.)

2. A computer teacher of a cram school lowered down the “Security Level” of “Firewall” on my PC when I was building up an ASP site. It got virus. Without any proof, the fucking stupid bitch ladyboss put the blame on me but not him. He's an old friend of her. I was new there. I got sacked without being paid 1 month. Well, in Taiwan, there're so many cram schools that u don't have to be good to teach. Remember! When u hear a Taiwanese say: “I'm a teacher.” u gotta keep asking: “What kinda school?” PROBABLY u'll get an answer like: “Cram school” or “Elementary school.”

3. The scammer is a VIP on Mostly scammers r NOT VIP coz they don't wanna be tracked. This Nigerian international fraud group either stole credit cards, or did Bank Transfer.

4. I didn't google in English. I failed to google a similar case.

5. I believed in this Shit: Rhonda Byrne -- The Secret.

6. I wanted to promote the hair transplant clinic where I was working at as an “Internet Marketer.”


An earlier victim:

Before discovering it, I remitted AUD$1166.
Then 2nd time, I was lacking of AUD$333. I found a private loan company.
The loan man (Not a loan shark), Mr. Wang, taught me a way to get cash legally (Yes. It's NOT illegal).
He had an old friend in a car loan company, which introduced a guy who wanna sell a Benz to pay off gangsters. 
Mr. Wang took me to a shop to make fake purchase with my credit cards.
Mr. Wang, shop, & me, got a little bit money. 
I helped the Benz guy free from fear.
Mr. Wang gave me an "I-O-U" & guaranteed that he'd pay AUD$16,166 back within 10 days by selling off Benz.
1 month later, I gotta pay banks.
Mr. Wang just told me that he got scammed by his friend. There was NO Benz!
After a long long lawsuit, he agreed to return me AUD$666 monthly.
But sometimes he postpones it when he has no money... 
The car loan man disappeared...

Is it a cultural difference?
In AUS, I've learned: Whenever a man claims “I'm a good person”, it implies that he's a Bad person indeed.
Just like a scammer to win ur trust.
Once u give ur TRUST, that moment u start becoming vulnerable.

U know what's the hardest part?
It's SO HARD to trust anyone now.

Why bad things happened to good people??
Becoz it's funnier.

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Last year, In Fremantle, when I was walking in the street back home, a beautiful Gypsy woman came to ask me for "Hampton Road". I was haply going to Hampton Road. So I told her: "Follow me". 
This Gypsy woman wore very nice clothes, high heels, carrying a laptop. 
She said: "I am afraid that a thief may break my car window, so I didn't put it in car." 
She asked: "How far is it? I'm going to Hampton road for a pharmacy. That's the only pharmacy I can get my medicine" 
Apparently she's not familiar with this place. I told her: "About 14 min." But in fact, It's 20 min. & I wore sneakers. 
She walked with me 5 more min, and she said: "How far is it now?" 
I said: "About 10 min. more." 
She said: "No. That's too far." She said: "Sorry." 
Then she turned back to her car. She chose the easiest way for herself. I oughtta have told her the fact in the first place. But I misled her. 
She has a car. She parked her car & walked with me becoz she thought it's not far.  
I learned: "All I had to do was tell her the TRUTH --- Whether good or bad. Let her decide."

She could just driver her car without walking 5 mins. with me.

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這是去年新成立的工會 .  照顧服務員可以在這工會加保 . 政府補助 40%

英文代碼 :

A 為 01

B 為 02

C 為 03


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Well, he married an Arabic woman who has a daughter this October 3.

When they first had sex, she's not even devoced yet.

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轉貼  有幾位來義鄉跟泰武鄉的原住民朋友來花蓮玩,各地朋友也就閒聊並問我是哪裡人?

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