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jilllue1018 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

本文引用自hirocat - 好心為何沒好報

jilllue1018 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Terrible Aussie accent ... 恐怖的澳洲腔啊! (本人當時重感冒 , 耳朵快聽不見了)

他說他愛我. 我信了. 果然澳客不是叫假的啊...

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"We all make our choices in life, the hard thing to do is live with them"
人生有許多抉擇, 承受後果是最困難的

From movie "The Words" (2012) by "Bradley Cooper" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1840417/

"Some dreams test us"
"Some stories connect us"
"Some moments change us"
"Some choices stay with us"

http://youtu.be/gjmrDDD9o_k 看一次 哭一次
"I can't escape this now, Unless you show me how"
If u really loved me, how would u check out ur mailbox so rarely?

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連 Yahoo! Taiwan 客戶服務人員都解答不出來的喔...

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This weekend, I've been thinking that all the things happened for a reason: I was too kind, so God wants me to change.
Becoz people ever forgave me, I wanna forgive people, too.
Now I just realized that it has nothing to do for forgiving me with my forgiveness for others.

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從今天起, 我發誓再也不幫助任何人了 ----------------- Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:07 AM 對講機鈴響啊響的. 房東太太跑來找我說: "有警察白天時一直按電鈴, 說要找你的. 好吵喔 !! 不知是否為詐騙 ??" 我去接聽 . 對方說: "你上個月不是有撿到皮夾嗎 ? 現在歸你了 ." 我問 : "咦??!! 真的嗎 ? 還沒公告半年耶 ?... 算了, 我下去 ." 房東太太陪我一起下樓 . 一開門, 真的是 "真的" 警察先生 ... 他說: "這是簡易招領 . 公告 15 天後無人認領, 就算你的了 ." 他拿了彌封的信封給我, 說: "整個皮夾都給你 . 請簽收吧 ." 原來我這個大近視因為在路上作環保, 也終於有好心的好報啊...

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May. 9 ~ 16, I went to Sydney.
The most impressive line I heard in Sydney is: "Babe, u don't eat. No wonder u r always unhappy", said by my Aussie ex..
How can I eat a lot when I'm single? I'd get fat. I can't take it anymore...
I can only pray. But still I can't take it...

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